Encountering Durian on Malaysian Food Street in Sentosa. Christmas 2017.

We went to the SEA aquarium today, perhaps not the best idea given that it’s the day after Christmas. The queues were mighty long, both for tickets and to enter. Inside, the main exhibits were filled with people all jostling for a look. The big tank areas were being used for picnics. Yep, definitely not the best day.

Anyway, we’re not home too often so the tourist behaviours manifest and attempting to keep the kids from going crazy is a main objective of each day. As long as they willingly head to bed between 9-11pm, we’re patting ourselves on the back.

Ok I digressed. On the way for the car park to the aquarium, we went past the trick eye museum, the Malaysian food street and the durian stall. Pause. Rewind. Durian stall? That was definitely not here last time I came! Well, neither were the Malaysian nor korean food streets.

Of course I had to take a look.

Smelled pretty food. A small selection of durian sold at pretty high prices.

All Musang Kings. 33 SGD per kg.

These are called Musang king black gold and go for a whopping SGD 40 per kilo.

Not cheap but there were clients evidently. I saw a table of four enjoying the fruit nearby. After the aquarium visit we walked back the same way and it was clear that the two rows of durian had reduced to one row of durians within a two hour period. I guess when in Sentosa, tourists are willing to pay Sentosa prices.

The fascination will never end: A new durian cosmetic

Is Elianto’s durian-flavoured lipstick for real?

Here’s how the company described it:

Elianto said that the pesticide-free lipstick features a strong durian aroma that gives the wearer a “sense of satisfaction similar to gobbling a mouthful of Musang King at one go.”

And here’s the over-pitch:

“….this scientific marvel is even said to be able to cure hangover and prevent alcoholic blackout”

Hmm…..quite unlikely at lipstick dose.

The lipstick isn’t for sale yet, I can’t see how yellow lipstick would flatter anyone in or out of the office. So it’d be a great gag gift but not one that you might particularly enjoy receiving even if you like durian. That’s why we all wash our hands and rinse our mouths clean of the durian aromas afterwards.

Conceal as you may, the burps will always reveal the thorny truth. 🙂

Ps. Elianto, if you do launch it, please send me a Musang king lipstick to check out…..

Latest durian prices at CitySuper

As you descend the escalators from Lane Crawford down to CitySuper in Causeway Bay, a welcome whiff or durian greets you. If your nose is fairly sensitive, you’ll be guided between the various displays of Christmas goodies and snacks into the cavernous supermarket. These seasonal displays have taken over the front section and the usual fruit and fresh produce has been shifted inside.

I turned left towards the massive array of cheeses, nope the scent was off. So I turned back right and yep, picked up the scent again. Weaving in and out I finally found the durians round the back of the shelf near the drinks section towards the cashiers.

The aroma was very robust and with good sharp accents yet had a soft sweet touch to it. Musang king yes. But what else?

Ahhh the black thorn is here.

But so is the Musang king.

I was curious which one commanded a higher price. The black thorn became a popular hybrid a few years ago but I remember noting this durian in Penang almost a decade ago.

How much does each set you back?

Well, the black thorn durians are HKD 46 per 100 grams and the Musang Kings are a HKD 40 per 100 grams.

The Black thorn durians are also looking a little larger than the Musang Kings hence the higher price on the ticket per fruit.

Price wise, the Musang Kings at Sogo we’re a little cheaper but not by much.

I guess if you’re a CitySuper good card holder perhaps it works out the same post discount.