My baby durian seed is germinating…

I was trying to find information on growing durian seeds on the internet but I have to say that it has been a futile attempt to obtain detailed advice. My own instincts told me that a tropical fruit would need high humidity, lots of water and preferably healthy doses of sunshine (duh).

The two durian seeds I brought home more than a month ago now went into a nice plastic container which I had lined with cotton wool soaked in water.

Hee-lllloooo“, my sister exclaimed when she saw it, “Whaddya think you’re doing, growing tau-geh?”

(Tau geh by the way, are beansprouts, which are also by the way, her least favorite food maybe one notch below durian)

Ignoring her, I insisted that my technique had merit and would work for any seed with germination potential. Imagine my horror when I discovered that one of the seeds (flat-shaped and rather mis-figured) had turned black in three days and looked like it was really undergoing nature’s most efficient necrosis. Naturally, I feared for the other seed and whether it would suffer a similar infection and fate. Surprisingly, the seed just stayed as it was for a long while. I just kept watering it (and occasionally talking to it) keeping my hopes up that all that water would not be in vain.

I was rewarded (well at least it is somewhat satisfying) when I spotted the first signs of germination. A wriggly-viney thick green root suddenly erupted from one side of the seed and looked as though it wasn’t quite sure which way was up or down. Subsequently, the root did manoever itself into the cotton wool pads but didn’t make much growth progress after that. Well, we all grow in spurts don’t we. How do we encourage the seed to take the next step?

Since SW was very free one afternoon, we decided to properly pot the seed into soil and fed it with lots and lots of water. You can imagine how pleased we were when the root clearly took hold and grew…

No more commentary, just pictures from here on!

Durian Seed germinating in a pot

Durian Seed germinating in a pot

Check out the thick viney almost furry stem of the baby durian plant

Check out the thick viney almost furry stem of the baby durian plant

This has become something of a home science project. I’ve never really had green fingers so I’ll keep you posted as to whether this little durian plant gets any further along in its development.

102 thoughts on “My baby durian seed is germinating…

  1. Hi

    Was searching for info on how to grow the durian and I came across your blog. I’ll be interested to see what happens in a few more months.

    • Hi Linda!

      Would be happy to keep you updated on the baby durian seed, its just had its transplant into a new pot of soil so I think it is in the process of acclimatizing to its new environment. Will put up a new photo of it later this week and let you know how it goes.

      Stinky Happy Always!

    • Hi we were in Bangkok on a holiday my hubby loved the fruit he ate it and we ot 2 seeds. I cleaned them and warped them in dry tissue this was on 10th may we then left Bangkok for Pattaya. The seeds were in a plastic bag with some other flower bulbs totally forgotten in the cloaset in the hotel room with the Ac on most of the time.
      On the last day of the holiday on 18th while packing I happened to notice the bag, opened it and found one of the Durian seeds germinated and a blge was on the end.
      I reached Goa (India) on 20th and potted he seeds, but after reading all the post I now removed it from the soil and placed it on a bed of moist cotton with water in a small closed container. Hope my seed grows well

      • Hi Yvette!

        Good luck with the seed, keep it moist but pot it soon. And if you can plant it in the garden, that would be best because these durian seedlings are pretty smart and don’t accept pots very well. Durian trees can grow to 50 feet or more, with some care and affection. Try to protect the young plant from too much direct sunlight but once it’s big enough, it’ll fend for itself.

        Keep us informed on how it goes!

      • hi sone!
        ive potted my durian, have been giving it plenty of water and keeping the soil moist but i dont see any signs of new growth. should i cover the top of the pot with a plastic bag to keep the moisture in side and give it a bit of humidity. at the moment the temperture in Goa is 32 which is pretty hot. should the pot be placed away from sun light ???

      • Hi Yvette!

        Ideally the new seedling gets light exposure but not directly and simulating a high moisture condition may not be a bad idea as long as you don’t get fungal growth all over the seed. It does take quite a long time to grow at this stage and it’s pretty touch and go whether it’s going to sprout leaves or whether it will just die. It really depends on the type of durian you got your seed from. Many of these durians are cloned and I think that many of them are altered somehow not to be able to produce viable plants from seeds, only by grafting. (Maybe next time it would be good to increase chances of success with several seeds).

        Anyway let us know how it goes!

        Stinky S-one

  2. Hi,
    Just wondering where did you get the seeds from? Did you just save it from the piece of fruit? Just curious as I usually throw away the seeds as I think they’re “too young” to germinate?!!

    • Hi David!

      I got the seeds from the durian I ate. I liked the flavor so much that I thought I would try giving it a try at growing it. My thoughts were that the fruit must be completely ripe when you’re eating it, which means that it must be ready to be digested by an “animal” and thrown onto the ground for it to start growing into a potential durian tree. Honestly speaking, I did a search on the internet about growing durians but couldn’t find very much in terms of helpful information. So I’ll share with you what I did:

      1. Choose a durian seed which is nice and round and heavy (refer to earlier blog posts on durian seed shapes etc).
      2. Wash the seed thoroughly and make sure any flesh is taken off – if you leave any on, it will rot and infect the seed.
      3. Get a plastic container like a bowl or tupperware and line the bottom with some cotton pads (like the ones ladies use to clean their face or nail polish).
      4. Fill with water to make sure the cotton pads are soaked.
      5. Place seed onto the wet cotton pads and top up water to about half the seed.
      6. Put a cover on top of the bowl/ tupperware to prevent things from falling in and to keep the environment very humid.
      7. Check on the seed regularly and keep it moist and warm (I left my container on the balcony in KL).
      8. Watch for germination and root in about one or two weeks!

      You can see what I did with my little durian plantlet in the blog entries and I shall keep you up to date as it slowly makes its growth progress. šŸ™‚

      If you love durians like we do and have a fruit that you truly enjoy, I highly recommend that you give it a go.

      • Hi Friends,

        I would like to grow durian in Central Amaerica which has tropical climates.

        I brought some seeds but all “dead” . I just put them in a pot with soil. I think my method is definitely wrong.

        Anyone can advise?

        Chu 97952599

      • Hi Chu,

        Thanks for writing in. Yes if the durian seeds were frozen or kept for a long time, perhaps they may not be viable. Did they sprout at all? They need moisture and soft base, usually wet cotton or something like that.

        Keep us informed of how it goes and please do a search on stinky spikes how to grow durian and the stinky spikes family for tips.

        Stinky happy always,

    • Hi Rob,

      The durian(s) we eat here are usually fresh and the seed which is growing in my pot came from a fresh, unfrozen durian seed, direct from a freshly opened durian fruit. As to whether low temperature kill the seed, my suspicion is that freezing temperatures are generally not good for any living tissue unless properly cryopreserved with some agents that prevent ice formation and destruction.

      I would guess that the seeds may no longer be viable after having placed them in the freezer, but I remain to be corrected by a tenacious durian seed! Do you plan on giving a frozen durian seed a go at germinating?

  3. Wooo… just to let you know that my durian seed has also started sprouting as well!! Im growing it in the UK, so humidity is a problem here as its Autumn at the moment. Basically, I just keep it in a normal plant pot and put a plastic bag over the top to keep it humid…. rather like a mini-greenhouse!!

    Hope yours is going alright!

  4. Hi David! That’s great news. So please tell us whether you grew your durian plantlet from a frozen seed or a fresh one? It would be interesting to know how resilient these seeds are.
    The most important point I’ve found so far is to make sure that the durian plantlet gets lots and lots of water as well as some sun. Your plastic bag over the plant pot is a great idea, just make sure it gets enough oxygen once the leaves start showing. Send me a photo to post on the blog!

  5. While I fear that tropical seeds will not appreciate sub-zero temperatures, I am hoping that seeds from a frozen durian will still be viable. The seeds have been washed and are sitting half submerged in water on top of cotton balls in a sealed container. I will keep you posted on the progress of my durian forest.

    • Hi Gary, sounds good. How many seeds in your durianarium? They key is not to plant them in soil too soon. If your frozen seeds are viable, they should show some signs of germination anywhere between 1-3 weeks. Once you see the stem and the root, let it stay in the water (+cotton) for another week or so before you introduce them to soil. Let me know if you need tips on that when you get to that stage!


  6. Ooops! Sorry Saritaone, I forgot to answer your question about the number of seeds. Unfortunately, not knowing any better (My first durian), I cut through 3 good big seeds. All the same I have 6 nice big seeds and 3 smaller ones sitting on the wet cotton balls.

  7. Hello,
    A friend from me went to the Filippines and brought me 3 durian seeds.
    2 of them were already germinating and one not. I’ve put them in a moisty soil in some pots.
    The first 2-3 weeks went good, the greenish root grew. But the last 3-4 weeks, everything stagnated and the roots became brownish black (also some molds started growing on the seed)
    Just as you described. I’m very worried, because you can’t find those seeds easily here in Belgium.
    Do they stay long like that? Do I have to put the root into the groud? Or is it ok to just lay the seeds on a wet soil as in your picture?
    Thank you very much!

    • I am also going to give my seeds a try. One thing I remember from wikipedia about durian is that the tree stops growing at temps below 72F. Keep this in mind. It’s a very tropical fruit, requiring very warm temps.

  8. Oh yes, I forgot to say this;
    I’ve posted my question on a forum, but I doubt if i will receive a good answer because over here there are probably no durian plants.
    You can see a picture on the 5fth or 6th answer. It’s a horrible sight.

    • Hi Carl,

      Which forum did you post your question on? I’d like to take a quick look at your photos before I provide you with any advice!

  9. Carl,

    Is the photo of your durian seed a recent one? I thought it looked fine, nothing like what you described as I had imagined something far worse. How bad is the mould? If it is quite severe then maybe the seed is dying. But if the roots are in the soil and you’ve watered it well, don’t fret just yet and give the seedling a bit of time.

    The Durian is a tree that grows more than 80 feet tall in its usual jungle climate, so if it takes a bit longer than usual to put down its roots, you’ll have to just accept that growth is never a consistent and continuing process but rather in spurts and burst phases.

    My durian seedling took quite a while to lose its seed husk and if you read the next post, I was quite distraught like you when the first leaf shriveled up and turned brown. I thought that was the end of the plant, but after really watering it well (make sure the soil is able to drain too) the plant amazingly survived and grew new branches and leaves.

    Others like David and Linda who have written to me have had similar experiences to you, and I have also advised them to keep the plant well watered (it really needs to be WET, like soaking WET).

    However, they have also experienced a sudden halt in the growth and I’m wondering if it has to do with the fact that their seeds were frozen prior to planting. Was your durian seed from a frozen fruit too? Perhaps that might be the reason why its growth is affected.

    Durian plants are quite high maintenance, mine has required frequent watering, shadey part of the balcony and I’ve also added organic fertilizer to the soil to make sure that it has all the right nutrients and supplements for growth.

    Send me an updated photo? I’d like to see how bad the mould is…

    Stay upbeat and don’t give up!


  10. Well, that was a picture from 2 days ago, the seed itselve has a healthy color, it’s just the root that worried me.And the color looks a littlebit healthyer because of the camera flash in reality it’s just a shriveled up, brow saucige which was white with a brown tip in the beginning.
    And I frequently removed the molds with a soft brush and a soft jet of water to try to keep them from spreading.

    And you said the soil had to be soaking wet, that wasn’t the case with me. Thanks for telling me that.

    The seeds came from a fresh durian, a friend brought them here when he returned from his voyage.

    How old were the seeds when you took your pictures? (I mean how long after the germinating started)

    • HI Carl!

      My seeds took approximately a week to germinate. When I got them fresh from eating I cleaned them and rinsed them very well, then soaked them in my cotton wool pot for about a week before I saw any signs of life. Essentially, I suspect that it takes a few days to sense it’s environment, then a few days to absorb all the water around it to make the seed swell and split, revealing the wriggly root that appears. After that, it took a good 2 weeks before I saw the root really digging into the wet cotton wool and that was when I thought it ready for planting into soil. The soil for SS No. 1 was clean organic soil and the pot was approximately 15cm in diameter and about the same in depth (or maybe a bit deeper). When the seed was put into the soil, we made sure that the root was pushed into the soil. The mistake I made then was to water it only a little bit, thinking that I didn’t want to drown the plant, but instead the leaves turned brown and dried up. That was when I realised the importance of water – Durian after all is a tropical plant- and right after the Durians fall, the wet monsoon sweeps in with the heavy rains.

      Hence, I think you (and others attempting to grow durians in temperate climates) need to simulate the natural weather environments (and sunlight/nighttime) in the equator. Not a small feat by any means! But then again, Durians are a luxury everywhere in the world and it takes a lot of effort to obtain a good one, which is when we truly appreciate why we pay top dollar for the best fruit. šŸ™‚

      Hope it works out, otherwise you could check on the possibility of receiving more seeds by express mail… I could put some in a Fedex box for you for the next attempt!

  11. Hi Saritaone

    Mine started getting mouldy too! I had to take it out of the soil again. Does not look so positive and it’s curving still further into the soil, as if it wants to be buried. šŸ˜¦

    • Hi Linda,

      Does your seed have enough ventilation? And the mould is the “mushroom” type or the carpet type? I noticed that I too had some mushrooms growing in a few of my other plant pots which had me worried. But I read somewhere that durians and fungus seem to co-exist in the soil. I threw out a whole pot of soil which another plant was inhabiting due to the mushrooms and decided to re-start with a new bag. The key though I suspect is certainly ventilation. Tall order I know but that’s the only way to prevent the fungal invasion.

      I’m not sure why your baby seed isn’t growing but maybe you might want to just put the root in a glass of water and cotton wool again and forget about the soil and see what happens then. If it perks up then you can fertilize it and grow it hydroponically….(which would be a great way to cultivate it).

      Best regards,

    • For everyone on this page….. just like an avacado pit… no frills/no toothpiks/no cotton balls/no gimmiks/no nothin! Just put the seed (s) in some dirt … cover it up/…. keep somewhat warm,and moist! PUT THEM IN A ZIPLOCK BAGGIE FULL OF DIRT Dammit……. FORGET ABOUT IT! and VOOOALLLAH!!!! There she be!! šŸ˜€ you will have a plant or 2 or 3 REALLY!! FOOLPROOF/FAILPROOF/SIMPLE… I honestly don’t even know what dummee made up the avacado on toothpiks (forget Durian for a sec.) My avacado is 20 years old! and there are a ton more shorter trees around it from pits I just TOSSED into the pot! they sprout out of compost muck for petes’ sake… what IDIOT needs toothpiks?!! Kills it not sprouts it! SAME WITH DURIAN!! Nature does not play with it and mutilate it! Just stick it in dirt and wait, plain and simple.

  12. Hi Saritaone

    It started getting cold in the UK now so I don’t open the windows anymore, and soon the radiator will be on.
    About the mould, I’m not sure what type it is, but it looks a bit like some greyish powder kind of thing around the stem in contact with the soil.
    I might have to try your ‘trick’ and see if it gets better, but the tip will then be under water cause remember that it’s curving towards the soil…
    Oh dear…

    Kind regards

  13. It would be great to get these Durian delivered door to door. Fresh, frozen and freeze dried!

    It is much trickier than it sounds.

    • Yes, that’s true. Durian doesn’t last long when fresh, for the best, you have to harvest it only when the fruits fall to the ground when ripe (unlike other fruits which you can cut from the tree and artificially ripen). Worse still, when frozen, can only be thawed once. When freezing the fruit try to make sure your container is really dry and doesn’t contain any moisture. When thawing, try to avoid any parts with ice formation as it simply ruins the taste and texture. Freezing is what freezing does to all living tissue, every technique has its imperfection- it preserves the shelf life but destroys the texture, although the smell and flavor does remain intact.

      Imagine the smell of your mail and other groceries if all of them got delivered together though!

  14. Saritaone, Could You Possibly Send Me Some Durian Seeds That i could try to grow;im very interested in growing durian/ill pay for the seeds/and the shipping if need be.Thanks

    • Hi Brett,

      Well, this could be a fun experiment. Perhaps I get a batch of seeds, ship some to you and grow some here and we can compare how we do with the seeds. Hmm….

      Expect an email from me and I’m sure we can work something out!


      • Thanks Saritaone for the response.When you get some seeds please let me know and if you want icould send you my mailing address via E-mail then you could keep some to grow there for yourself like you said then we could send eachother pictures via email of eachothers Durian Seedlings to Compare them that would be fun and interresting.Thanks From Durian Lover

      • Sounds great! I’ll be travelling for work this week and back only next weekend so it’ll be 2 weeks til I’m back in contact again…

      • please please please saritaone send me some durian seeds. i just came back from sg and i cant believe i ddint try to smuggle some seeds to states. i love to garden and more i love durian. watching your thread gives me hope. only frozen durians ive seen here so really need to try growing the good stuff. hopefully by time my nephew will have real durians to eat here. let me know how to give you my details if you are willing. i have lots of other interesting seeds too if you might want

      • Hi RLP!

        It’s no longer the real season for Durian so I can’t vouch for the quality of the fruit or its seeds at the moment. I could send you some and you could try your luck, or if you want the good stuff, you might need till the summer which is in a few more months. What do you prefer to do? I’ll send you an email later today and you can let me know your preference.

        Stinky Always,
        Saritaone šŸ™‚

  15. Hello again.
    2 of the 3 Durian’s survived. they never turned green like yours, but they grew good.
    Just now, I saw the “seed” itselve was loose from the root.
    It was in a stadium much like your second picture (only browner)
    I have no Idea how to discribe it, but is the part on your second picture, where the durian “splits in 2” just before entering the seed important? Because that is broken. (I thought those were the beginnings of leaves)
    There is a small tail like structure on top of the remaining root.
    Is this normal?

    • ? I thougt my first message dissapeared.
      Sorry for saying the same 2 times
      But now you have a good description of how it looks like.

      • Dear Carl,

        I am sorry to hear about your durian distress, unfortunately growing these seeds aren’t as easy as we’d like them to be and it is quite challenging to get the environment right amongst all the other considerations about the viability of the seeds themselves. I was wondering if you have checked out Linda’s durian growing experience and whether it is similar? You can find her post and experience at this link.

        When you refer to the “nut” falling off, I suppose from your last comment that you didn’t see any leaves at the tip of your “goedendag”? If there are no baby leaves visible then how about new shoots coming off the sides of the brown stem? If you see some greeny brown stubs coming off the side then perhaps that could be a sign of future activity.

        I am going to post a picture of the nut which fell off my plant in a new posting, so please tell me if your nut resembles mine! I would also like to suggest that you take some photos of your durian seedling (and the time points) and let’s have a look at whether its as bad as or better than Linda’s experience.

        Stinky sincerely,

  16. Hello again, I think something terrible happened.
    The nut fell off. I think it was way too early. Now there is only a small pointy saucige coming out of the thick root.
    Now it resembles a “goedendag” sticking out of the dirt. ( But only the upper point is smaller.
    Is this normal?

  17. Hello Saritaone,

    The durians are dead, one began to smell and a pale orange goop oozed out of it and it was infested with molds.
    the one without the nut just dried and shriveled and became slimey.(it was constantly soaking wet, but still it dried)

    But I tink I can get some new ones from a relative who lives in Thailand. And this time I will be prepared…

    Thanks for all the advice.


    • Never Give Up Carl!

      I’ve had to give up 3 of my durian plants last week (death strikes painfully in droves) but I have 3 more hopefuls which will be the survivor story of the year. Share this with you soon….

  18. I planted durian seeds from fruits I bought in London 3 years ago. All germinated, and I kept one. It is now 3 feet high and healthy, though it is in a cool flat. Its sibling I gave to a botanic garden, and this is now 4 feet high and very healthy (in a heated greenhouse). Once established, Durian saplings do not appear to be too fussy, and make attractive house plants.


    • Hi Chris!
      Thanks for sharing your durian growing experience with us. It is marvelous to know that all the seeds you planted germinated. Were the seeds from a fresh fruit or a frozen one? We have some durian lovers in the UK who have been attempting to grow durian but without much success.
      Also, would you be able to take some photos of your plant to share with us how you helped it grow so well?
      Finally, have you any idea what kind of durian it is?
      Stinky, Stinky Spikes!

  19. Hi there

    I am not sure whether the fruit was frozen or not – I guessed it was and held little hope for germination, but maybe it was imported fresh, since they all grew! I think it is D. zibethinus, but I am not 100% sure. I keep mine near a radiator and water it often with luke warm water from the kettle. One of it’s siblings died actually, and I think I put it in compost that was too rich; the healthy one is now in John Innes Ericaceous (acid-loving) compost, which I use for all my tropical plants. I will take a photo and paste it here next week.


    • Hi Chris!

      I’ve just send you an email, please attach your photos and description to it and I’ll post it up.

      Saritaone šŸ™‚

  20. So Im from Canada, got my durian frozen. I have cleaned all the flesh off the seeds and have them sitting in cotton half filled near a heater and covered by plastic wrap.

    I will keep you informed on how it goes, maybe they can grow along side my avacado plants woot

    • Hi Tracy!

      Do you know what kind of durian you got the seeds from? Is it a D24?
      Sounds great and look forward to the successful germination and growth of your Stinky Spikes. Keep us informed of how it goes… and Good Luck!


  21. Hey I’m growing one too hehe =] but i got my seed from buying durian to eat..then i thought..’hey why don’t we grow our own so we dun hv to buy them?!’
    then it started turning black like u said..i thought it was dead but then i came back about 3 days later and it already planted it self in the dirt..the thing is..i planted the seed under the dirt. is that wrong? cuz rite curves from the seed into the dirt on the opposite side and the seed is still under the dirt

    • Dear Rose,

      I’m not sure if I’m getting you right- you’re saying that the sprout from the seed is heading into the dirt right? If that is the case, then the seeds is doing exactly what it should be doing, as the first thing that pops up is the root. The next thing is that the seed will then sprout a shoot which should pop up from the dirt and head upwards towards the light. In some cases and other’s experiences, the sprouts don’t always do this and I suspect that there might be a genetic reason as to why it does not germinate successfully. I think it may depend on the type of durian that you got and whether it was a hybrid.

      Do you know what durian seed you got?

      Stinky Happiness…

  22. Hi durianons! I have just got my durian D24 seeds germinated within 2 days! Still monitoring the progress of my durian seeds. If you want expert advice regarding durians, read the research work “Durio, a bibliographic review By Michael J. Brown”. Just copy this: “Durio, a bibliographic review By Michael J. Brown” and paste into Google Search!Good luck! If you want FREE germinated D24 seeds visit “durianon” or come to Tg Katong!

  23. hi my ive been reading this blog and im so glad i got some answers about my question of durian seeds i have been germinating my seeds for a week now the roots are sprouting so what should i do next coz i dont know if i should put them in a pot of soil any help pls ASAP.thanks

    • Hello Baz!

      So happy to know that you find this blog useful to you and that you are germinating your durian seeds.
      Without full knowledge of what your seeds are like, I would recommend that if the root tip (the thick green vine that first appears out of the seed) points downwards into your container towards the water, it’s probably fine to introduce it to soil, try to use clean black soil. Don’t bury it though, just place it on top of the soil with the root tip pointing down and make sure you water your soil well. Careful not to soak it into a swamp though!

      Best of luck and maybe send us your photos sometime so we can all see how you’re doing.

      Stinky Stinky always,

  24. Hi Saritane.I wanted to know when will you be able to get a hold of more Durian Seeds,for my next attempt at growing Durian Trees from Seed.Please let me know.Thanks

    • Hi Brett!
      Due to unusual weather conditions, there were no durians over the last 2 months, not for the lack of trying to find them I assure you. Hence the next season proper will start again in June. It’s a long wait for all of us. I would like to suggest that grafting a durian tree from a branch might actually work out better than growing it from the seed, seed growth tends to have more issues from germination and plant overall survival in its early years. I’ll try to see if I can find someone with a durian plant in the US to refer you to and you might want to try your luck with them first!

      Not-so-stinky at the moment,

  25. Where can I buy larger quantities (10+) of seeds from great tasting “named” varieties of DURIAN online?

    What I have seen on ebay, and some other sites, are ridiculously priced. Shipping from Asia to Fla and Panama (the country), is high on most pages, and I want a bunch at one time to save on shipping (among other things).

    Hmmmmm, does anyone have a contact in Indonesia, or Malaysia, (or another S.E. Asian country) that eats a lot of Durian, and might be willing to get into the seed selling trade? I could offer a price to make it worth their while.



    • Hello Jim!

      I think one of the issues is that your country prohibits the import of seeds unless you have applied for a certificate prior.
      Check out this site:
      I’d be happy to send them but I think the chance of anyone receiving seeds is “nil” and it would be an expense and waste of time. If you are willing to spend the money, maybe its just better to get it from Florida or Hawaii because it saves you the hassle of getting permits to bring them in (and ensure the quality too).

      Durian season is just beginning here! Try to come visit and choose the durians you like!

      Stinky happy always,

    • Thank you! I’m so glad you find it useful. Please feel free to share your durian experiences and any questions about durians that we can help with on this site!

      Stinky Happy Always,

  26. On Guam we sometimes get frozen durian. They freeze beautifully, but can be ripped apart with the bare hands. Macam rimau! I’m wondering if the seeds will grow from frozen??

    • Hello!
      Interesting, I didn’t know you get frozen durian all the way out in Guam. Where does the durian come from? Philippines, Thailand or Malaysia? I think the durians would all taste very different.
      Yes, durian does freeze very well, in fact durian ice cream is so easy because the creamy texture is already present, all you have to do is blend it up. When you eat the durians after they’ve been thawed just a little, it tastes delicious.
      I have no idea if the seeds will still grow after being frozen, if you try and have a result (positive or negative) to share, please let me know.

      In the meantime, do find out the source of the durians and what species you’ve had!

      Stinky, spikey always,

  27. Hi!

    I do not see any pictures you folks mentioned in this forum thread. Is there a blog they are displayed at? Only one of the many seeds we planted took; and its about 5″ tall now.

  28. Hi!

    I’m from Indonesia. I’ve been following this website and found it very interesting. I managed to successfully germinate my durian seeds. They are sitting on a jar with layers of cotton and water. My question is : What is the next step?

    I know that I need to put them on the soil, but I dont know how. Should I put the whole thing under the soil or just put the stem/root but leave the seed part outside the soil. Thank you so much for the helps!!

    i really enjoy this blog. Good work!

    • Hello!

      Thank you for your encouragement and I’m delighted to know that you are enjoying my durian blog and also getting some useful information for your new durian farm :). The next step is to put the seeds in soil. Please have a look at this link on durian plants which may give you some ideas what to do.

      Ideally place on good, rich soil with the root pointing into the soil. It will sink in and push the seed up into the air. Make sure you water the soil well because that’s the first thing your new baby durian plant will need.

      Best of luck and please keep us updated. Feel free to let us know how it’s going and if you need any other specific tips!

      Stinky always,

      • Hi Sone! Thank you for your kind reply!
        So should I bury the seed under the soil as well?
        Or just root/stem under the soil but not the seed.

        Thank you!!

      • Hi there!
        Nope you don’t need to bury the seed under the soil. Just make sure its nice and snug resting half in-half out of the soil should be good enough. That way you can keep an eye on it to make sure there’s no fungus or rotting that takes place. Make sure it gets some sunlight as well! Not too strong but shaded light is probably good to get it stimulated in the right direction.

    • Hello there!

      I’m not sure about the soil conditions in Cambodia, but if you have pests, I think you need to find a way to ensure that the soil is clean (and pest-free) and then protect the plant somewhat. I think most worms start off in the soil, so you might need to ensure that the soil is worm-egg free, maybe you have to resort to the use of chemicals or some natural repellent. Worms generally do not like acidic soils. Durians do grow in Thailand and Vietnam, but if it’s very dry, you might need to ensure the plant is well irrigated.

      Good luck!

  29. I have two durian trees (about 1 foot high) and I am going to take them from Singapore to London next week, hopefully these will live on in cold London. Any tips anyone?


      • I flew back to the UK yesterday and i now have them here in the UK and I was very surprised and pleased to see that they made it without a hitch. I will keep you posted as to how they get on but for now it’s tender loving care.


        I saw the photo of yours and it looks fit and healthy which gives me hope, I am growing mine in magic soil (gel like stuff) but might try some Ericaceous compost.

      • Great! so happy to hear they made it! how did you pack them and care to share where you’ll be keeping them?

        S1 šŸ™‚

      • I packed them in a long plastic container and they went in the checked in baggage, I was worried that they might freeze but no they were perfect. I am keeping them in a warm bathroom by a radiator in gel and so far so good.

      • I am in Beaumont, California, US 92223.

        I can pay for shipping, but retailers have been sending me these things, either dried out or rotten.

        I understand that they can germinate, in transit, if covered in moss, and am also familiar with air layering.

      • Hi Andrew,

        I’ve tried sending them to another durian fan before but they arrived completely destroyed. I suspect that your country’s customs checkpoints are quite sensitive to these objects and intentionally delay or destroy the seeds in some manner before allowing them to pass through to the recipient.

        The best option I can offer is that there is a plant farm in Hawaii that sells durian plants. I can’t say what the fruits are like nor what hybrid it is but at least you’re getting a viable plant as it’s coming from a neighboring state. Here’s a previous posting that has the links

        ALternatively, you can come out to Asia, get the seeds from the fruit you like and bring them back to germinate them yourself..! That would be the most reliable route and you know exactly what you’ll be getting. The next durian season in Malaysia starts in June, so that’s 6 months to plan your trip šŸ™‚

        Hope this helps!

        Stinky Spikes šŸ™‚

  30. Hi,
    I have been visiting this page on and off and found useful information here, thank you! I would like to get some viabe durian seeds from Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines. If anyone can help please let mt know. I can give durian seeds from Thailand,when in season,in exchage or pay for. Thank you for your attention

    • Dear Araya,

      Thanks for visiting my blog! I am also pleased that we share the same interest in Durian.

      We have many readers from all over the world and I’m sure someone would like to swap seeds with you. I am not sure though, whether the seeds will be able to grow in different soils and climates… I guess this would be a fabulous experiment!

      Stinky Spikes S-1 šŸ™‚

  31. i am in Sri Lanka. Durian grows here well but mostly in somewhat coolar areas. i tried to grow few seeds. They germinate well. But they die quickly afterwards at my house (near colombo). What can i do? . I LOVED DURIAN

    • Hi Nipun!

      Where did you get your seeds from? I think durians should thrive in Sri Lanka but perhaps you should look at the soil you’re getting and whether the shade/sunlight is sufficient.
      You know that it takes about 10 years to get a fruit from the tree right? šŸ™‚

      If you love it and want to eat it, better to get a Jetstar or Tiger Airways flight ticket and eat some here while it’s still in season!

      Stinky Spikes S-1

  32. How big does a durian tree grow? I only eat the fruits. In Singapore most of us lives in apartments. So we dun have our own garden. But I dun mind try growing it. Maybe can illegally repot it in a park or smtg. LOL.

    • Hi Nuri, durian trees can grow up to 30 feet tall šŸ™‚ in Singapore I think they are now rare. My grandma used to have one in her front yard in Serangoon gardens but I think it’s been cut down by new owners of the house. There was a report of someone growing a tree on an open plot of land in a hdb estate. I think the article is somewhere on my site. Just use the search function and include the word Singapore. Do try!!

  33. Hi all,
    I’ve been growing durian in pots in South Florida for the past year or so. They grow well outdoors here in the summer, but I do need to bring them inside for the winter months.
    To germinate the seeds I just use potting soil and place the seed so that the root end is in the center of the pot. I tilt the seed slightly so the root will have easy access to the soil, and cover with a large clear plastic bag until the first set of true leaves has developed. My success rate with this method has been about 80%, so I’m pretty happy with it.
    I currently have 3 small trees (about 1-2 feet) and 2 newly sprouted seeds. I’m told the varieties are Red Prawn, XO, D24 and Longiana (Macrantha) but I’m somewhat dubious about the last as it’s supposedly quite rare. Maybe with a little luck I’ll be able to verify in 10 years or so…. šŸ™‚ but either way it’s a great project and the plants are really amazing and very pretty.

      • eBay šŸ™‚ From an excellent vendor in Singapore. The price is a little steep, but 100% of the seeds were germinated by the time I received them, so it was definitely worth a couple extra bucks. Hope this helps with your durian sourcing !!!!

      • And just a quick PS – currently has durian plants for sale. They don’t indicate the variety, but they are the only source in the continental USA that I am aware of.

  34. Hi,
    Sorry for the late response – I thought I’d posted it previously but I guess not…. Ooops! I got my seeds on eBay from a vendor in Singapore.

  35. Hi, happened to saw your stories about growing durian tree. I wonder how is your plant going right now? I just bought a MSW grafted tree in sg, there are chances of getting fruit in 3 to 4 years (accordingly to the shop owner)

    • Hi Kel, thanks for reading and writing in! I read that for grafted plants, your chances of getting fruit and a good healthy tree is much more likely than one grown from a seed.
      I only had a balcony when I was growing my durian seeds.. it was more of an experiment to see if they would sprout. My seeds sprouted very nicely but then stopped once I replanted them in a bigger pot. I think the environment was completely wrong for them, a pity.

      Most plantations and orchards of durian trees are grafted.
      Do you know what your graft is? Have you got it planted in a garden? Would love to see some pictures and hear your updates as you have them.

      S1 šŸ™‚

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