Durian Potong Sticks

Perusing the frozen section at Taste

I have been resisting an urge to eat cheesecake for the last few days. It’s an active resistance, where I seek it out and then tell myself I shouldn’t eat it and leave the shop. Yeah what is wrong with me?! 

So there I was looking at the frozen cheesecakes…when eeeeek stop. Potong stick? Do they have durian flavour? Zoom in for close inspection. Yes!

Wow I was beside myself with excitement. Thing is I just went for a dental appointment today to fix my filling. My left lower jaw and cheek was completely numb. I had absolutely no intention of dribbling my durian Potong stick all over the floor. 

Oh why do they bring in the frozen stuff at winter time? It’s now sweater weather here in Hong Kong. Well, that doesn’t stop me. I will buy it tomorrow. 

Seriously good durian musang king pudding

Maybe I’m just feeling deprived. We went for brunch on Sunday to Cafe Malacca at Hotel Jen and ate a bit of every goodie we could find on the menu. I think I’ve pretty much had everything sans prawns (allergy). 

When my friend DW handed the menu around again for dessert, I just had to open my mouth and say… “I heard the durian pudding is good but I’ve never tried it…”

Picking up the cue, he immediately offered “want to share?” 

No need to ask twice. 

There are two durian puddings on the menu. There’s the regular durian pudding, then there is the durian musang king pudding. No brainer which one to choose right? 

I realised as soon as I helped myself that I’d forgotten to take a picture. So the perfect trapezoid is a little ruined. 

Ok this is the side view to give you a depth perspective. 

The dessert cup isn’t very big. But as the spoon is small, you do get approximately 15 mouthfuls of the smooth stuff. The durian has been blended and not a fibre remains. It is sweet but not cloyingly so. It is fragrant but not in a manner that you can smell it before you can taste it. 

Durian burps are guaranteed, though it’s not too embarrassingly strong. 

For HKD 68, not bad. Especially since we don’t have any of the real stuff to compare it to right now.

Looking forward to my durianic Christmas….it’s only a month away!

Penang Men’s Kitchen Cafe

I used to travel to Penang for work related meetings, usually planning them to coincide with the possibility of eating good food, and when in season,the best durian.

Now it seems that durian is available all year round in various desserts. I suspect that the durian fruit pulp industry is a getting larger than the fresh fruit distribution network. Certainly that is what is being reported (Durian exports to China Fruitful).

Mens Kitchen in Penang is one of the cafes making their own durian derived desserts.

I’ve not tried it yet but it all looks pretty good. 

Here are some other bloggers who’ve written up about it.

Steven Goh – nice review on the durian derivatives and other food served in the cafe. He also explains the meaning behind the name.


Gibson – nice photos of all the food, and nice photos on the interesting drinks.. I’m keen to try the Doraemon.. how creative! 

Durian as a torture instrument

If you wanted to torture someone, say your husband for adultery, what implements would you use? Most would immediately think of kitchen utensils, stationery perhaps.

Thought you’d heard it all eh?

This lady caught her husband having an online affair and decided that he needed to be taught a lesson. She made him dress up in women’s underwear, stuck a Sani on his forehead and had him kneel on durian spikes as punishment. All while declaring his mistake and apologising to her. On video.


Those thorns really are the strongest fruity weapons around.

I bet both his knees and ego must be hurting.